August 2020

Developer’s Notebook on Patreon

Developer’s Notebook is now on Patreon.

29 August 2020

Is Software as a Service a Good Idea?

Whether you like it or not, software as a service (SaaS) has become extremely popular amongst both individuals and companies. But how good of an idea is it?

18 August 2020

Announcing the Developer’s Notebook Podcast

The Developer’s Notebook Podcast has released its first episode, officially marking its launch.

15 August 2020

Debugging Node.js Remotely with Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a tool with many talents. Among those is the ability to not just debug Node.js applications, but also to debug them remotely.

4 August 2020

Using Modern Technology to Upgrade Retro Computers

The internet is rife with tutorials of people upgrading old computers with modern technology. How much sense does that make and is it reasonable?

1 August 2020

Windows 95 as an Electron App

An operating system that was released 25 years ago and required an entire computer to run can now instead be run in a browser window with an interpreted language.

1 August 2020
My Portfolio