
Single Page Applications vs Multi-Page Applications

SPAs and MPAs are popular ways of creating web apps, but both have their pros and cons. In this article, we explore their benefits and detriments.

13 May 2024

My Problem with The Current State of Next.js

When I first discovered Next.js, I was excited about it, but it has become somewhat of a mess since then. These are my thoughts on it.

11 April 2024

Why I’ve Switched from React to Angular for My Projects

For years, my go-to frontend framework was React, but now I prefer using Angular for my projects. This is why.

22 October 2023

New Design for My Portfolio

I have continued to take advantage of the extra time provided by the coronavirus to rewrite my portfolio website using Next.js and Material UI.

28 April 2020

A New Design for Alex Seifert Music

I am happy to announce that my official music website has received a brand new design. The website is based off of Next.js and is optimized for performance both on desktop and mobile.

18 April 2020
My Portfolio