
My New PowerMac G3 Blue and White: Part 2

I bought an old PowerMac G3 Blue and White. In this article, I try to get Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar installed on the system.

4 May 2024

My New PowerMac G3 Blue and White: Part 1

I bought an old PowerMac G3 Blue and White. First, I performed some maintenance, then I upgraded some hardware.

17 April 2024

Mac OS 8 as an Electron App

Macintosh.js is an open-source project that runs Mac OS 8. It emulates a 1991 Macintosh Quadra and runs the full operating system with a few applications.

17 March 2024

Switching Between Platform: Windows and Mac

Some programmers stick to a single operating system or technology stack, but I like to experiment and try new things out. That means, however, that I often jump back and forth between platforms: particularly between Windows and Mac.

6 April 2023

Emulating Mac OS 9 on macOS 10.15

Several years ago, I bought an old, colorful iMac G3 running Mac OS 9. It runs my old software wonderfully, but an emulated version of Mac OS 9 on my modern MacBook Pro is just so much more convenient.

9 June 2020

Batch Convert 4-Space Indentations to 2-Space

While adding a linter to an old project, I wrote the following bash script to convert 4-space indentations to 2-space indentations. This example recursively looks for *.js files starting at the script’s location. Of course, it can be used for any type of file though by simply changing the extension.

1 March 2018

Resize an NSImage Proportionately in Swift

For the past couple of days, I’ve been working on a small project for OS X written in Swift where it was necessary to import an image and scale it down proportionately based on a given width and height.

18 June 2016

ScratchPad 1.4.1 Released

Today I’m happy to announce the first new release of ScratchPad in four years.

5 June 2016
My Portfolio