
A Script for Exporting WordPress to Markdown

I have a love-hate relationship with WordPress and have been thinking about replacing it with a static site. I wrote a script to export posts from WordPress to Markdown files.

30 May 2024

My Problem with The Current State of Next.js

When I first discovered Next.js, I was excited about it, but it has become somewhat of a mess since then. These are my thoughts on it.

11 April 2024

Vue.js: Route-Level Code Splitting with a Page Loader

Vue.js makes it easy to implement router-level code splitting. Page loaders are a great way to indicate that your application is loading.

10 May 2023

Debugging Node.js Remotely with Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a tool with many talents. Among those is the ability to not just debug Node.js applications, but also to debug them remotely.

4 August 2020

Boilerplate Web Apps in Node.js and TypeScript

Since I am constantly starting a new project, I got tired of always having to set up each web app from scratch. Therefore, I decided to create a couple of boilerplate apps in Node.js and TypeScript.

17 June 2020

Automatically Compile SASS Using Node.js and Express

For about two years I have been using Grunt to compile my SASS files into CSS for projects for work as well as for personal projects such as this website. This workflow has served me well and I still use it for most of my PHP-based projects. However, I’ve come up with an even easier and faster solution for my Node.js-based applications.

4 December 2017

Debugging Node.js in a Docker Container with WebStorm

Node.js + Docker + WebStorm is not an unusual setup for Node.js developers, but there is nonetheless surprisingly little information available about how to setup debugging in WebStorm while running a Node.js application locally in a Docker image.

25 October 2016

Node.js: Fixing a memory leak in Express MemoryStore

When using a combination of Express and krakenjs in your Node.js application, there is a feature enabled by default which automatically leads to a nasty memory leak.

16 June 2016
My Portfolio