
Single Page Applications vs Multi-Page Applications

SPAs and MPAs are popular ways of creating web apps, but both have their pros and cons. In this article, we explore their benefits and detriments.

13 May 2024

That’s How Old I Am

In this post, I decided it would be fun to write a list of technologies and experiences that show my age in technology.

8 May 2024

My New PowerMac G3 Blue and White: Part 2

I bought an old PowerMac G3 Blue and White. In this article, I try to get Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar installed on the system.

4 May 2024

My New PowerMac G3 Blue and White: Part 1

I bought an old PowerMac G3 Blue and White. First, I performed some maintenance, then I upgraded some hardware.

17 April 2024

Mac OS 8 as an Electron App

Macintosh.js is an open-source project that runs Mac OS 8. It emulates a 1991 Macintosh Quadra and runs the full operating system with a few applications.

17 March 2024

The Boring Stack

The Boring Stack encourages using familiar technologies for efficient project development, emphasizing efficiency and reliability over exploring new tech and frameworks.

5 February 2024

My Favorite Books from 2023

Last year, I compiled a list of my favorite books from 2022. Since I enjoyed it so much, I decided to put together a list of my favorite books from 2023 too.

18 December 2023

Subscription Fatigue and Software

The growing trend of software companies shifting from one-time purchase models to subscription services is rather disturbing. Wwhile this provides a consistent revenue stream for companies, it burdens consumers with repeated costs and may result in subscription fatigue.

20 November 2023

Why I’ve Switched from React to Angular for My Projects

For years, my go-to frontend framework was React, but now I prefer using Angular for my projects. This is why.

22 October 2023

Journaling: Paper or Computer?

I have been an avid journaler for over ten years and I have kept my journals both on paper and on the computer. But what do I prefer?

7 October 2023

The Problem of Having Too Many Technologies to Choose From

There are constantly new technologies coming out on the market. While this might seem like a great thing, there are some darker sides to it that no one seems to talk about.

1 October 2023

Vue.js: Route-Level Code Splitting with a Page Loader

Vue.js makes it easy to implement router-level code splitting. Page loaders are a great way to indicate that your application is loading.

10 May 2023
My Portfolio