Two Wolves Inside…

I don’t often post memes or other images I find on the internet because I prefer original content. However, sometimes I stumble upon one that really just hits the nail on the head and this is one of them.

12 July 2024

A Script for Exporting WordPress to Markdown

I have a love-hate relationship with WordPress and have been thinking about replacing it with a static site. I wrote a script to export posts from WordPress to Markdown files.

30 May 2024

Single Page Applications vs Multi-Page Applications

SPAs and MPAs are popular ways of creating web apps, but both have their pros and cons. In this article, we explore their benefits and detriments.

13 May 2024

That’s How Old I Am

In this post, I decided it would be fun to write a list of technologies and experiences that show my age in technology.

8 May 2024

Introducing “Notes”

“Notes” is a new category on my blog where I am going to post small, interesting things I stumble upon. It might be links or images or tidbits of information.

6 May 2024

My New PowerMac G3 Blue and White: Part 2

I bought an old PowerMac G3 Blue and White. In this article, I try to get Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar installed on the system.

4 May 2024

Developer’s Notebook Becomes Feed The Dev

Developer’s Notebook has been rebranded to Feed The Dev. There are many reasons for the rebranding and I am excited to share them with you.

26 April 2024

My New PowerMac G3 Blue and White: Part 1

I bought an old PowerMac G3 Blue and White. First, I performed some maintenance, then I upgraded some hardware.

17 April 2024

My Problem with The Current State of Next.js

When I first discovered Next.js, I was excited about it, but it has become somewhat of a mess since then. These are my thoughts on it.

11 April 2024

The Endless Quest to Replace WordPress

I have been using WordPress to run many of my websites since 2007, but feature bloat has me looking for alternatives.

4 April 2024

Mac OS 8 as an Electron App

Macintosh.js is an open-source project that runs Mac OS 8. It emulates a 1991 Macintosh Quadra and runs the full operating system with a few applications.

17 March 2024

How Windows 11 Has Convinced a Skeptic

Until about two years ago, I was exclusively a Mac user, but Windows 11 has me rethinking that.

8 March 2024
My Portfolio