Redesign of

26 November 2012
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For the first time in over two years, is about to be completely redesigned from the ground up. I have taken advantage of advances in browser and web technology which have occurred in the meantime to bring together a site which I find to be quick slick. I have taken full advantage of such JavaScript libraries as jQuery and HTML5Preloader to give the website a snappy feeling.

I have also spent an enormous amount of time in Photoshop preparing the artwork for it which is going to be like nothing like anything I’ve ever done before. I am very excited about it! The website will function as my new online portfolio with sections dedicated to my web development work, my music and my interest in history. It will also be bilingual in both English and German. I have also recently registered a new German domain,, which forwards to its .com equivalent. Since I am now living and working in Germany, I feel it will make it feel more natural for me to present the website to people here with a “.de” domain.

Although the development of the site is basically complete, it is still not quite ready for launch. I will post here, however, when the new site has gone live!

About the Author

Alex Seifert
Alex is a developer, a drummer and an amateur historian. He enjoys being on the stage in front of a large crowd, but also sitting in a room alone, programming something or writing about history.

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