Getting Started

31 January 2012
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I’ve been a web developer now for over a decade. I began when Windows 98 was brand new and when Microsoft had just released FrontPage 98 which I used to learn the article of webpage design. Until now, however, I’ve never actually written about it. That is what this blog will be about.

Generally, I intend to focus not just on web development, but also on browsers and the internet in general. Whilst there may be several other blogs that delve into these topics, this will be my own little corner where I share things I find useful or interesting and that I hope every visitor to this blog will also find interesting.

To get started, I’ve created a poll to see which browser is your favourite or which one you use the most. If you would like to share more about it, please leave a comment here!


About the Author

Alex Seifert
Alex is a developer, a drummer and an amateur historian. He enjoys being on the stage in front of a large crowd, but also sitting in a room alone, programming something or writing about history.

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